
Many people working in education and welfare often remain alone with their professional worries. In hectic everyday working life there is simply too little time to work out solutions to colleagues’ problems. This chronic overloading frequently comes to a head in the form of burn-out syndrome.

Supervision is an intensive revelation and clarification of unconscious relationship structures and behavioural patterns. It is used primarily in the educational and social sectors and pursues the objective of understanding and resolving conflicts both between workers and clients and among themselves.

To uncover the unconscious structures of these conflicts a supervisor is called on who has an understanding of how to show the team how to approach these unconscious interrelationships. In supervision, participants bring up cases where there is a need for clarification. Other perspectives and possible solutions for conflicts come to light through this exchange.

Some of the objectives of supervision are:

  • easing the strain on staff
  • recognizing and understanding the level of one’s own involvement in relationships
  • development of solution strategies that can be implemented
  • extension of possible work-related courses of action

One example of my supervision work is the occupational field of teaching. Parents are delegating ever more tasks of bringing up their children to the school. “Relations work” with difficult, socially neglected pupils is gaining increasing significance in everyday school life. Problematic interactions with pupils and parents are accumulating and additionally intensifying the great demands placed on teachers. Supervision ?(lat. overview) gives the individual teacher or a teaching body room for a systematic reflection of conflictive relationships with pupils, colleagues and seniors.

I conduct individual and group supervision. In the case of individual supervision the underlying relationship structures that form everyday working life are focused on. I offer group supervision for teams of staff from different areas of the social sector.

I would be pleased to provide you with further information in a preliminary discussion.


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