Reading recommendations
On this page you will find a number of books that I can highly recommend if you are interested in psychotherapy, are already in treatment or simply want to get to grips with the subject of psychotherapy. If you are interested in one of the books below, just click on the cover for more information.
Irvin D. Yalom „Der Panama-Hut oder was einen guten Therapeuten ausmacht“
Irvin D. Yalom „Die Schopenhauer-Kur“
scobel - Depression - old myths, new truths. A contribution from the 3sat Mediathek from the series "scobel" from February 13, 2020 about current findings on the development and causes of depression.
Rätsel des Unbewussten This is a very informative podcast in which many different facets of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis are explained in an understandable way. In this project, Dr. Cécil Loetz & Dr. Jakob Müller are dedicated to the exploration of the unconscious, contemporary psychoanalysis, depth psychology and the procedures of psychotherapy. Transcripts and literature recommendations are included in the appendix of each episode.
IPA | Off the Couch This podcast regularly presents very interesting conversations with psychoanalysts working in a wide variety of institutions and industries. Harvey Schwartz and Steven Rolfe set out to expand awareness of how far psychoanalytic thinking reaches into our communities.
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