TV Features
Since 2008 I have given many interviews and short comments on television on various topics. Here you will find a series of short videos, which were produced in cooperation with the SR Saarländischer Rundfunk.
The videos are sorted chronologically - the latest video at the beginning - and above each video there is a little information so that you can better assign the topics. I hope you enjoy watching them.
The political situation is causing uncertainty among the population. I was interviewed about this in the SR in the programme "Daten der Woche" on 30 July 2016. See the excerpt here:
In this SR article from 21.01.2014 on the subject of World Cuddle Day I will discuss the central importance of physical contact for dealing with other people. The article starts with the words: That hugging is a beautiful thing ...
In this SR article from 17.11.2013 on the subject of happiness I explain what we understand by happiness and what effects happiness has on us.
In this SR article from March 2013 on the subject of winter depression, I explain the difficult consequences that the reduced light and reduced physical contact in winter have for us.
In this interview on the topic of Good Resolutions from December 30, 2011, I say something about the "magic of everyday life" and what we need the "Good Resolutions" for.
In this interview on the topic of puberty from December 7, 2011, I say something about communication with children in puberty, the conflicts that arise in the family and point out possibilities for help.
In this interview on the topic of weather sensitivity from August 22, 2011, I explain our changed aggression behaviour in the face of persistent (summer) heat.
In this interview on the subject of suicide of 19 May 2011, I explain the differences between a suicide and an extended suicide. I also point out causes and possibilities for help.
In this interview on the subject of Christmas grouches from 15 December 2010, I say something about the psychology of Christmas and the emotional ambivalence of gifts.
In this interview on the topic of the World Cup on June 12, 2010, I describe something about the great importance of psychology in sports.
In this interview on the topic of misunderstandings from January 20, 2010, I explain how misunderstandings arise and how they can be reduced.
In this interview on the topic of marriage from September 9, 2009, I say something about couple dynamics and give some hints for a functioning couple relationship.
In this interview on the topic of Diamond Wedding from December 15, 2008, I say something about the change of generations and the role changes of man and woman.
The videos shown here are productions of the Saarländischen Rundfunks. All rights reserved, in particular the right to reproduce and distribute the video contributions. None of these videos may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the Saarland Broadcasting Corporation or processed, copied or distributed using electronic systems.
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